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Guide to Using Liquibase with Spring boot

Posted on:November 27, 2023 at 10:00 AM


In this article, we will dive deep into a practical guide on how to use Liquibase as a tool for managing database changes and maintaining the integrity of your data. Liquibase supports these databases.

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What is Liquibase

Liquibase is an open-source and database-independent tool for managing database schema migrations and doing version control. It helps developers and database administrators maintain data integrity and ensure that database deployments, changelist rollbacks and application changes are always in sync.

Liquibase Concepts

Some of the key components and concepts of Liquibase include:

What is DB Management

Database management is the actions taken to manipulate and control data to meet the necessary conditions throughout the entire data lifecycle. Some of the data lifecycle actions include creation, management, use, share, collect/reuse, and destroy. Therefore, database management is tasked with protecting the data of an organization, and its clients, preventing legal and compliance risk and keeping data-driven applications performing optimally.

Show Me the Code!!

Spring boot Init

Head over to Spring Initializr and create a spring boot app. Note that we are using Java. Add all necessary dependencies including MySQL Driver and the Liquibase dependency libraries. As of 26th of November 2023, Java 17 and 21 are the LTS (Long Term Support) for Java programming language. Therefore, Spring boot apps can only be initialized with either JDK’s.

If you already have s Spring boot app, head over to Maven Repository and pick the latest version of the Liquibase dependency library. Alternatively, you could copy the version below.


Spring boot Configs

Open the resources package in your spring boot project, create an application.yaml file and add the following configurations:

        enabled: true
        changelog: classpath:db/changelog/db.changelog.yaml
        url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase
        username: myusername
        password: mypassword
        driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    port: 8080
        context-path: /api

These liquibase configuration will help Liquibase find the path to the changelog file with all the changesets.

The datasource configuration sets up our MySQL database. For this, you need to create a MySQL instance connection with MySQL workbench with those credentials. Alternatively, you can use MySQL shell to create a superuser myusername with password mypassword.


sudo mysql -u root -p

mysql> CREATE USER 'myusername'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';
Query Ok

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'myusername'@'localhost';
Query Ok

Query Ok

Creating a Java Entity

We will continue with the previous example where we built a REST API with Spring boot. In the article, we used the following class to create a database table:

public class PlaygroundTable {
    private int Id;
    private String name;
    private String description;

We will rename the class to PlaygroundEntity and remove the Lombok field annotations since, these will be handled by Liquibase. In addition, use your code editor to generate and override equals and hashcode methods within the class.

@Table(name = "playground")
public class PlaygroundEntity {
    private int Id;
    private String name;
    private String description;



We have renamed the class to ..Entity because, an entity is a representation of a table in a relational database, while each field in an entity class will correspond to a column in that table. As your code base gets larger, it would be great to distinguish Entities from DTO’s, etc.

Creating a MySQL Table with Liquibase

Within the resources package, create a db/changelog package. Within the new package, create a YAML file and name it create_new_playground_table.yaml. This file will contain our Liquibase changeset for creating a new table as per the entity that we have created in the class


    - changeSet:
        validCheckSum: ANY
        id: create-new-playground-table
        author: your name
            - createTable:
                tableName: playground
                    - column:
                        name: id
                        type: BIGINT
                        autoIncrement: true
                            primaryKey: true
                    - column:
                        name: name
                        type: VARCHAR(45)
                        nullable: false
                    - column:
                        name: description
                        type: TEXT
                        nullable: true

Creating a Liquibase DB Changelog

Create a new YAML file and name it db.changelog.yaml, in the db/changelog package. Within that file, add the following path to the changeset created above:

    - include:
        file: db/changelog/create_new_playground_table.yaml

This will enable Liquibase to run the changeset in the MySQL database. If the changeset file path is not added in the changelog package, then your migrations will never run .

Finally, mvn spring-boot:run your spring boot application.

Test the API with Postman using the url, http://localhost:8080/api/playground


It is important to follow particular file naming conventions so that your team is in sync with your database changes. For example

Alternatively, you could use SQL syntax such CREATE…, ALTER…, as a naming convention for your changeset files.

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